Battlefield 1/Wine Bottle Melee Weapon

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Main Page > Battlefield 1 > Wine Bottle Melee Weapon

Wine Bottles are scattered around the 3 maps part of the Apocalypse expansion pack. They can be picked up and used as a 1-hit-kill melee weapon but they will disappear once you perform a kill, switch weapons or enter a vehicle. On your first kill using the Wine Bottle, the Alcohol in the Trenches Codex will be unlocked and after you achieve a total of 5 kills, the Broken Bottle will be unlocked. The Broken Bottle is a hidden melee weapon which can be equipped by all infantry classes.

NOTE: Once a Wine Bottle has been picked up, it will not respawn in the current round.

WineCaporetto.png WinePasschendaele.png WineRiver Somme.png